Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What happens after I place an order?

A: When your order is placed on the web site, you will see a "Thank You" page, which will confirm your online order. This is confirmation that your order has successfully been placed. Your order is then sent over a secure connection to PROWAX.COM. If placed between 7:30 AM and 3:30 PM PDT, it will then be processed within an hour. If placed after 4:30 pm PDT, your order will be processed at 7:30 AM PDT the following day. You will receive an email confirmation once your order has been received at PROWAX.COM. If there are any problems with your order, one of our customer service associates will contact you by phone or email.

Q: What if I do not receive an order confirmation via e-mail?

A: Our office hours are from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM PDT Monday-Friday. During normal business hours, you will receive an order confirmation message via e-mail shortly after PROWAX.COM receives your order. If you do not receive this message within 4 hours of placing your order, there might be a delay on the Web due to traffic.

If your order is placed after 4:30 pm PDT, your order will be processed at 7:30 AM PDT the following day and you will then receive an email confirmation.

If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours (Monday-Thursday) of placing your order, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-437-9893 to ensure that your order is being processed.

Q: Can I change the delivery address?

A: We will be happy to change the delivery address as long as your order has not been delivered or is not on its way to being delivered. To request a change to your order's delivery address, please enter the new address information into our online Secure Server Order Form and reference the previous order and send the new info. Do not send another order. You can contact us by phone at 1-800-854-0213 to ensure that your order is being processed.

Q: Can I change the date of my order's delivery?

A: If your order has not been delivered, or is not on its way to being delivered, we will be happy to change its intended delivery date. To request a change to your delivery date, please enter the new delivery date information into our online Secure Server Order Form and reference the previous order and send the new info.